Engineers and Geoscientists BC

Introduction to Stormwater Management

Tuesday, April 26, 2022
8:15 AM–8:30 AM Pacific: Registration
8:30 AM–4:30 PM Pacific: Introduction to Stormwater Management webinar
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Event Details


Allison Smith

Event Description

Introduction to Stormwater Management is the first course of the stormwater management seminar series. Stormwater management and the planning and design processes are becoming increasingly complex. Changes in land use affect drainage systems while presenting challenges for planning, runoff analysis, storm sewer hydraulics, and watercourse protection within government objectives and regulations to protect people, property, and the environment. These seminars will provide the foundation information necessary to complete analysis of existing and future stormwater management systems.

Event Presenter(s)

Jim Dumont, P.Eng.
Water Infrastructure Specialist

About the Event

Seminar Series

This seminar is the first of a series that will cover the complex topic of stormwater management. The complete series includes:

Due to the complex nature of the topic, there will be limited review of material presented from one seminar to the others.


After attending this seminar, you will be able to consider technical issues related to stormwater management planning and design while balancing risks to people, property, and the environment.


There are no prerequisites other than an analytical mindset while previous exposure to the topic would be an asset. We recommend that participation in all three sessions will provide the greatest benefit to the participants.

Seminar Outline

  • Evolution of stormwater management
  • Impacts of watershed development
  • Regulatory requirements
  • The real meaning of statistics and risk management
  • Rainfall data, IDF Curves, and design storms
  • Time of Concentration
  • Computing Discharges
    • Rational Method
    • Hydrograph Method
    • Statistical use of Stream Discharge Measurements
    • Comparing Results
  • Review of report writing and review requirements

Unique Features of the Series

The course will provide detailed information on the standards of practice and their limitations along with alternative state of the art methodologies that can lead to more accurate application of scientific principles by engineers.

Target Audience

Consulting engineers, water resource planners, engineers employed by local, provincial, or federal government agencies. The information presented will be valuable to those in a position to review and approve drainage plans and design submissions.


Jim Dumont

Water Infrastructure Specialist

Mr. Dumont's technical experience has been in the fields of civil engineering and water resources. His experience extends over 40 years in all phases of design and construction. Projects have included: municipal infrastructure, mitigation of urban impacts to the environment, hydrologic and hydraulic investigations, water quality assessment, land development, and construction.

Jim has been providing training seminars on stormwater management in British Columbia for Engineers and Geoscientists BC since 2006 and for across Canada EPIC (Educational Program Innovations Center) since 2010.