Engineers and Geoscientists BC

Natural Gas Processing Principles

Tuesday, January 31, 2023
8:20 AM–8:30 AM Pacific Time: Login
8:30 AM–12:30 PM Pacific Time: Webinar
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Event Details


Tasha Booth

Event Description

This course reviews the physical, chemical, and engineering principles used to understand the processing of natural gas and its by-products. It emphasizes the physical and chemical properties of natural gas; phase behaviour; vapour-liquid equilibrium data and computations; water-hydrocarbon systems; flow of gas and gas-liquid mixtures; mass transfer operations applied to separation of gaseous mixtures; heat transfer in gas processing; fluid mechanics principles in gas processing; chemical kinetic aspects; engineering principles used in production of natural gas and its associated liquids.

Event Presenter(s)

Dr. Nashaat N. Nassar, P.Eng., MRSC
Associate Professor, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, University of Calgary

About the Event

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the behaviour of natural gas and how it is processed;
  • Be capable of making engineering calculations to quantify requirements for processing and transporting natural gas; and
  • Use engineering principles to solve natural gas processing problems.

Who Will Benefit?

New engineering graduates and technologists who need to develop an understanding of natural gas processing principles, professionals who have been working in industry, but are new to natural gas processing, or professionals who are familiar with natural gas processing, but are unfamiliar with the fundamental aspects of the gas processing that can be used to improve plant design and optimize plant profitability.


Dr. Nashaat N. Nassar, P.Eng., MRSC

Associate Professor, University of Calgary

Dr. Nassar is an associate professor in the Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, University of Calgary. Dr. Nassar leads a large research group focusing on nanotechnology and its applications in the oil and gas industry, including enhanced heavy oil upgrading and recovery, inhibition of asphaltene formation damage, asphaltene gasification, natural gas processing and conditioning, oil spillage remediation, and produced and wastewater treatment. Dr. Nassar has trained more than 50 graduate students and researchers. He published more than 100 peer-reviewed technical papers, 110 refereed conference abstracts, 5 book chapters, filed 7 patents, chaired 11 conferences, and delivered a number of keynote speeches at the national and international levels. He is an associate editor for the journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, published by Elsevier and the reviewer of more than 100 international journals in science and engineering. Dr. Nassar received over 25 international and national prestigious awards for his technical, innovation, academia, and society in recognition to his dedication and commitment to teaching and research. He taught 25 undergraduate- and graduate-level courses and has won several teaching awards including Outstanding Teaching Performance, Teaching Excellence Award, and Great Supervisor Award. He designed two natural gas processing and technology graduate courses which are highly sought after by the industry leading him to act as an expert in obtaining US patents in this area. Dr. Nassar has received several research grants from Canadian and international funding agencies as well as numerous industrial funding from the United States, Middle East, and Mexico. He is a professional member (P.Eng.) of APEGA, Canada, and granting agencies and prestigious international engineering and technology publications routinely call him up for expert reviews.