Engineers and Geoscientists BC

Confidence with Conflict©

Thursday, July 13, 2023
Registration and Login: 8:15 AM–8:30 AM Pacific Time
Seminar: 8:30 AM–4:30 PM Pacific Time
Registration is now closed.

7.0 CE Hour(s) of Communications and Leadership Learning

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Event Details


Jennifer Wu

Event Description

This Seminar empowers engineering and geoscience leaders and supervisors to build greater confidence with conflict, and more effectively lead conflict situations for the success of the parties involved and their organization.

Event Presenter(s)

Michael Samson

About the Event

Seminar Description

The seminar incorporates an advanced model and accompanying processes for being an effective leader with conflict. Participants’ will gain powerful conflict leader skills; apply these skills to current conflict scenarios they are addressing, gain greater awareness of their ‘triggers’ that reduce their effectiveness in conflict situations, and learn powerful moves for parking their reactivity, demonstrating leadership presence.

Seminar Outline

The seminar delivers a powerful model for developing varied and complementary conflict skills. A key process for conflict leadership is then introduced for participants to learn and practice with, using real situations that exist back in their workplace.

The first 3-hour section focuses on learning and practising the model and process for effective Conflict Leadership, establishing confidence with conflict.

The second 3-hour section focuses on skills for enhancing the participants’ ability to maintain a calm presence in the face of reactivity that often occurs when working with conflict. Skills, tactics, and several activities are introduced to assist the participants’ build their leader presence in the face of reactivity; their own, and others. This is coined ‘Parking our Reactivity’. This section is often considered by participants’ as a most thought provoking and impactful development experience.

The seminar concludes with 2 practice rounds where participants’ use process for leading conflict, and practice their skills for parking reactivity during the conversation (role play). This practice activity can have a significant positive impact on the participants’ confidence with conflict back at their workplace.

Unique Features of the Course

More than 50% of the seminar is experiential learning {i.e., the participants’ are practising the skills they are learning). This is important for supporting the participants’ engagement during the seminar, plus provide both a sense of self-sufficiency and optimism in using the conflict leadership skills back at their workplace.

Four sets of skills are introduced to assist participants’ immediately grow in confidence with conflict, and importantly, maintain their poise in conflict situations.

The 5 Conflict Behaviour styles model introduced provides leaders with a tremendous framework for leading effectively in conflict, based on the situation presented. This is of significant value, given leading conflict with poise is an admired leadership skill by the people who report to the leader. It generates more trust in the leader, and in the team the leader leads. Clients of INSPIRE have experienced transformational benefits incorporating the model, process, and skills of the Confidence with Conflict© seminar.


There are no prerequisites for this seminar, other than participants’ need to be a supervisor or manager of people in their respective organizations’. (This program would be a wonderful complement for those who have participated in the Leadership Communications seminar with INSPIRE)

Target Audience

Engineers and geoscientists’ who have direct reports (i.e., supervisors, managers, and directors/vice-presidents) and are wanting to boost their confidence with conflict, professionally and personally. The participants’ tenure as a supervisor or manager does not matter.


Michael Samson


Michael is President of INSPIRE CANADA, a boutique organization development firm.

Since 2007 Michael has assisted engineering and technology companies with their organization and people development needs, ranging from supporting significant organizational change initiatives to providing unique leadership team development experiences involving community engagement.

He and his team work across Canada supporting clients rise to meet their aspirations and create great organizations, as they define this.

Michael completed his master’s degree in organization and leadership development with LIOS, Leadership Institute of Seattle at Saybrook University. Through the program Michael was fortunate to learn from both one of the first students of Kurt Lewin – ‘the father of Organization Development’ and senior leaders of Leadership Development at both Microsoft HQ and Amazon HQ. He was given special access to Amazon’s Leading at Scale™ program with permission to incorporate for his clients.

He has a degree in commerce, specializing in human resource management and also marketing at the University of Otago, New Zealand. He was a member of the Honours Program in both disciplines.

He is a certified facilitator for the Clear Leadership™ and Appreciative Leadership™ programs and has facilitated the Clear Leadership program for various organizations prior to developing his own acclaimed leadership and people development programs.

Michael is often asked by clients to support leaders with conflict situations, provide 3rd Party Conflict Resolution for leaders who are in conflict with each other, and work with organizations wanting to develop competency with managing conflict.