Engineers and Geoscientists BC

Communication With Clarity©

Thursday, June 22, 2023
Registration and Login: 8:15 AM–8:30 AM Pacific Time
Webinar: 8:30 AM–4:30 PM Pacific Time
Registration is now closed.

Eligible for 7.0 CE Hour(s) of Communications and Leadership Learning

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Event Details


Jennifer Wu

Event Description

This session is designed to empower professionals to enhance their working and personal relationships, increasing connection and collaboration; through communicating in a way that is authentic, skillful, direct, and with compassion for self and the others.

Event Presenter(s)

Michael Samson,
Founder & President, INSPIRE CANADA

About the Event

The seminar incorporates leading communication models, processes, and skills that are delivered around the world to enhance professional and personal relationships.

Participants’ will gain powerful skills in communicating with authenticity, skill, and compassion for their self and the other(s). Participants will enhance their self-awareness that leads to communicating with greater clarity for their self and others, and, courageously address judgments that are getting in the way of having more harmonious, productive working relationships.

This seminar also provides participants’ with communication skills that will enhance their Self-Differentiation, a professional development term for meaning “being separate, yet connected to the other(s)”.

Self-differentiation is considered in psychological development fields as the foundation of personal maturation. The communication skills delivered increase one’s self-differentiation.

Seminar Description

The seminar delivers 5 leadership communication skills and processes for participants to learn and practice, using real situations that exist back in their workplace.

The morning focuses on learning and practising the foundation communication model: The Awareness Window™. This model is used around the world to assist professionals and teams communicate with each other in a way that is authentic, skillful, direct, and with compassion for self and the other(s). Companies often share this model is one of the most valuable tools they have learnt for enhancing working relationships, connection, and building clarity throughout the organization.

The afternoon focuses on learning and practising how to address personal judgments that are getting in the way of more harmonious, productive working relationships, and where the working relationship feels less than satisfying.

Participants’ will also learn 3 specific communication skills for increasing their self-differentiation, and a process for addressing communication that is not going as intended with another. This particular skill is very useful when wanting to address difficult things while preserving the relationship.

Each process or skill introduced is practiced in a series of activities, ranging from personal work, working in pairs, to working in small groups for supporting additional learning from each other.

The seminar concludes with learning how to listen, using the process: Listening at Two Levels™. This skill and activity can have a profound impact on participants’ working and personal relationships. It is a fundamental skill for being more effective when engaged in difficult and/or very important conversations with others.


There are no prerequisites for this seminar, other than participants’ have a desire to enhance their communication skills for the purpose of being more effective in building harmonious, productive working relationships, speak with greater clarity and confidence, and have more fulfilling relationships in their personal lives.

Target Audience

Engineers and Geoscientists’ who are wanting to boost their communication skills, speaking with greater clarity and confidence, and build more productive, harmonious working relationships, and also personal relationships.


Michael Samson

Founder and President, INSPIRE CANADA

Michael is President of INSPIRE CANADA, a boutique organization development firm.

Since 2007 Michael has assisted Engineering and Technology companies with their organization and people development needs, ranging from supporting significant organizational change initiatives to providing unique leadership and people development programs.

He and his team work across Canada supporting clients rise to meet their aspirations and create great organizations, as they define this.

Michael completed his master’s degree in Organization & Leadership Development with LIOS, Leadership Institute of Seattle at Saybrook University. Through the program Michael was fortunate to learn from both one of the first students of Kurt Lewin – ‘the father of Organization Development’ and senior leaders of Leadership Development at both Microsoft HQ and Amazon HQ. His master’s thesis was on the application of The Trust Paradox© model to increase organizational effectiveness.

He has a degree in Commerce, specializing in Human Resource Management and also marketing at the University of Otago, New Zealand. He was a member of the Honours Program in both disciplines.

He is a certified facilitator for the Clear Leadership™ and Appreciative Leadership™ programs and has facilitated the Clear Leadership™ program for various organizations prior to developing his own acclaimed leadership and people development programs.

Since 2020, Michael trains Clear Leadership™ instructors around the world in developing their competency in group development facilitation.