Engineers and Geoscientists BC

From Threat to Opportunity: Risk Management for Difficult Times

Monday, November 27, 2023
Registration and Login: 8:15 AM–8:30 AM Pacific Time
Webinar: 8:30 AM–4:00 PM Pacific Time
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Event Details


Jennifer Wu | Professional Development Coordinator
Direct: 236.521.9709
Toll-Free 1.888.430.8035
Email: [email protected]

Event Description

In the current world, uncertainty is the norm. As we have moved from complex transformation initiatives to a pandemic, to an ever-changing business environment, initiatives (projects) are also more difficult to predict. Our traditional approach of focusing on threats is not good enough.

Event Presenter(s)

Ivan Rincon, P.Eng, PMI-RMP, PMP, PgMP
Executive Director, Project Management, BC Government

About the Event

Seminar Description

This 1-day training provides a clear understanding of the principles behind risk management, how to apply those principles in the context of the profession’s best practices, and how the organization can benefit from a more wholesome approach to look at uncertainty as a source of opportunity.


Upon completion of this training, learners will be able to:

  • Describe the underlying principles of risk management in a business context.
  • Practically apply risk management concepts in the context of projects, programs, and portfolios.
  • Design risk management capabilities in organizations, and more specifically, in organizations managing projects.

Target Audience

Engineers, geoscientists, and other professionals who wish to improve their understanding of risk management while working on projects.


Ivan Rincon, P.Eng, PMI-RMP, PMP, PgMP

Executive Director, Project Management, BC Government

Ivan Rincon is a project management professional with 30 years of experience in this area. Ivan is a recognized speaker, having presented in nine PMI Global Congresses since 2006, as well as several PMI Leadership Institute Meetings in Europe and North America. He has been invited by several PMI chapters worldwide, including Dominican Republic, Colombia, Norway, and Saudi Arabia, for professional development days and local congresses. In addition, Ivan is a university instructor, teaching project management courses at the graduate level in Colombia and Canada. He is a LIMC Graduate (Class 2016).

Ivan is well-known in the PMI community as a dedicated volunteer, including a non-stop commitment to the PMI Vancouver Island Chapter since 2007. He has been director of professional development, president, PMIef liaison, and academic director. 

Ivan’s professional expertise allows him to speak with authority about different topics, from basic project management concepts to complex issues surrounding program and portfolio management, project management offices, change management and strategic project management. 

He moved from Colombia to Canada in 2004 after working in big multinational companies such as IBM and HP. After he landed in British Columbia, he worked in several capacities in Abebooks, HP Advanced Solutions, BC Ferries, and Ocean Networks Canada. He is currently Executive Director, Project Management, with the BC Government.