Engineers and Geoscientists BC

Board Approves $15 Licensing Fee Increase for 2025

Posted on June 4, 2024
Board Approves $15 Licensing Fee Increase for 2025
At its May 29 meeting, Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s Board approved the budget for the organization’s 2024/2025 fiscal year. The budget includes a $15 increase to annual licensing fees, or about 2.9%, which will take effect in January 2025 and bring licensing fees to $535. 

The budget accounts for additional resources needed to manage demands on regulatory processes – including significant increases to application, licensing, and exam volumes, as well as increased investigation and discipline files – and also anticipates the impact of divesting revenue-generating advocacy activities through mid-2025. 

Despite these added pressures, the Board was able to analyze and refine the budget to ensure the organization could advance this work while also keeping licensing fee increases to a minimum, proceeding only with an adjustment to keep up with inflation. 

Additional work supported by the budget includes:

  • engagement with government on strategic priorities;
  • an improved volunteer management program;
  • engagement with registrants to seek feedback on key issues; and
  • ongoing work to improve the organization’s foundational programs related to data governance, equity, diversity and inclusion, Truth and Reconciliation, and climate change.