Engineers and Geoscientists BC

Compliance Rate 91% for Annual Reporting

Posted on July 4, 2024
Compliance Rate 91% for Annual Reporting
Following the completion of the first Continuing Education (CE) three-year rolling period, the compliance rate for Annual Reporting (AR) by the June 30 deadline was 91%.

"We are excited to see a completion rate of 91% for this year’s AR and to see professional registrants completing their CE requirements,” says Lindsay Steele, P.Geo., Associate Director of Professional Practice with Engineers and Geoscientists BC.

“We recognize the importance of building a CE program that protects the public and environment and have worked for several years to design a program that incorporates feedback from registrants.”

The feedback from the AR survey this year indicated registrants were highly satisfied with the reporting experience and found the process easy to complete. Over 4,000 registrants responded to the survey and rated their reporting experience 4.1/5 on average, with 5 defined as an “outstanding” experience. Engineers and Geoscientists BC will review all feedback and continue to make improvements for future reporting years.

Late Filing

About 600 registrants were affected by a problem with the AR system on June 30 and were unable to submit by the deadline. That situation was resolved, and all affected registrants were notified and able to complete their reporting without penalties.

For registrants who missed the reporting deadline, they must submit their AR and pay a late fee by September 30 to avoid suspension. The late fee is paid within the AR System as the final step prior to submission.

Registrants can go to their Account Dashboard to review the status of reporting requirements. Requirements that are highlighted in yellow with a "late" status will need to be addressed.

Registrants who missed the reporting deadline due to an extenuating circumstance or experiencing financial hardship may be eligible for a late fee waiver. More details are provided here.

More Information

For questions about AR requirements, registrants can visit the Annual Reporting page, email [email protected], or call 604.412.4896.

More information on CE reporting requirements and how to report can be found on the Program Overview page or by watching the instructional video.