Engineering Regulators Sign Agreement to Strengthen Collaboration

The National Statement of Collaboration reflects the 12 Canadian regulators’ renewed commitment to work together to address national and international barriers to mobility for engineers and engineering entities, to further advance public safety, and to increase regulatory efficiency.
Board Chair Michelle Mahovlich, P.Geo, P.Eng, FCSSE, and CEO Heidi Yang, P.Eng., attended the signing at Engineers Canada’s 2024 Spring Meetings and Annual Meeting of Members in Winnipeg.
"We recognize the value in collaborating with other Canadian regulators and addressing our common issues together,” said Mahovlich. “As the profession continues to evolve and welcome registrants from around the globe, collaboration and harmonization strengthens our role as regulators and continues to support our goal of protecting the public and the environment."
Added Mahovlich, “I was honoured to sign this national document with such a diverse group of signatories from across Canada."
This agreement was identified as a priority in Engineers Canada’s 2022-2024 Strategic Plan to work with regulators to understand barriers and success factors leading to the adoption of a national agreement to establish the principles and areas to work together.
"The signing of the statement marks a pivotal step forward for engineering regulation in Canada,” said Engineers Canada Past President Nancy Hill, FCAE, P. Eng., FEC. “Through our collective commitment to collaboration, we strengthen our ability to uphold high standards of practice, promote public safety, and foster an equitable engineering environment for current and future engineers in each jurisdiction."
Photo: Michelle Mahovlich, P.Geo, P.Eng, FCSSE, signs the National Statement of Collaboration May 23. With her are, back row, from left, Engineers Canada Board member and former Engineers and Geoscientists BC CEO and Registrar, Ann English, P.Eng. (retired), FCSSE, FEC, FGC (Hon.), Engineers Canada President Dr. Michael Wrinch, P.Eng., FEC, and Engineers and Geoscientists BC CEO Heidi Yang, P.Eng.