Registration of Second Danbrook One Engineer Cancelled

Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia, the regulator of professional engineers and geoscientists in BC, has cancelled the registration of Theodore (Ted) Sorensen, prohibiting him from working as an engineer.
In a Consent Order dated December 31, 2022, Mr. Sorensen admitted he demonstrated unprofessional conduct in relation to a series of serious issues evident in the structural design of an 11 storey concrete building’s core and seismic elements. The building, originally marketed as Danbrook One at 2766 Claude Road, Langford (known today as RidgeView at 2770 Claude Road) required remediation to make it compliant with the BC Building Code, allowing residents to safely resume occupancy.
Mr. Sorensen is the second person involved in the original design of this building to have been disciplined by Engineers and Geoscientists BC. On May 9, 2022, Brian McClure’s registration was cancelled after he admitted to unprofessional conduct. In both these instances, Engineers and Geoscientists BC believes that the cancellations of registration are in the public interest and send a clear signal to both the profession and the public as to the seriousness of this matter.
Engineers and Geoscientists BC is responsible for establishing and upholding standards of professional practice and ethical conduct for the professions. If the regulator determines that an engineer or geoscientist may have breached these standards, it takes action through a comprehensive investigation and discipline process.
“As I said last year, registrants must apply the appropriate standards, codes and technical expertise to every single project they work on,” said Heidi Yang, P.Eng., Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s CEO. “The public must feel confident that their homes are being designed to rigorous standards, and this case was a clear breach of that trust. Now both these individuals are prohibited from working as professional engineers in British Columbia.”
In addition to ensuring appropriate discipline in cases of wrongdoing, Engineers and Geoscientists BC also upholds high standards of professional practice and conduct for BC engineers and geoscientists as they undertake their work. This includes issuing practice guidelines that set out the standards of practice that must be followed for various professional activities. Engineers and Geoscientists BC has issued several guidelines that address structural design work, including a guideline specific to structural engineering services for tall concrete building projects.
A copy of Mr. Sorensen’s Consent Order is available on our Discipline Hearings and Notices webpage.
Photo credit: CHEK News