Engineers and Geoscientists BC

Continuing Education Requirements

The first three-year rolling period (60 CE Hours) deadline is June 30, 2024. Review your requirements and deadlines by logging onto your personalized Account Dashboard.

2023–2024 Requirements

Professional registrants must complete the following continuing education requirements in their online account between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024:

  1. Regulatory learning - Complete this mandatory Regulatory Learning Module for 2023–2024 on climate change and sustainability.
  2. Ethical learning - Record one CE Hour of ethical learning in your CE Reporting System. See below for examples.
  3. CE Plan - Create your CE Plan and save it to your personal files (templates found here). Your CE Plan requirement will be marked “Complete” upon successfully submitting your Annual Reporting. See below for more detail.
  4. 60 CE Hours - Record at least 60 CE Hours of activities over each three-year rolling period in your CE Reporting System. Additional 60 CE Hours of technical learning for Designated Structural Engineers (Struct.Eng.). See below for examples and more detail.
  5. Declaration - Declare all CE requirements have been completed by submitting your Annual Reporting between May 1 and June 30. See below for more detail.

Requirements for new registrants vary based on license date and are outlined in the Guide to the CE Program.

Watch How to Complete Your 2024 Continuing Education Requirements (video) for detailed instructions on how to complete your requirements.

Registrants concerned with meeting the June 30 deadline can consider these alternative options for continuing education reporting. 

Continuing Education Program Requirements

There are 3 fundamental components of the CE Program:

1) Annual Requirements

Each year, registrants must complete the mandatory Regulatory Learning Module, record one CE Hour of ethical learning, complete their CE Plan, and then declare all CE requirements have been completed by submitting Annual Reporting.

In every reporting year, professional registrants must satisfy the following requirements between July 1 and June 30:

Regulatory learning

Complete the Regulatory Learning Module for the current reporting year in the Knowledge Centre. A new module on a different topic is produced each year and the mandatory module cannot be substituted with other regulatory learning activities. 

Regulatory learning modules by reporting year:

  • 2024-2025 on Duty to Report will be available August 2024
  • 2023-2024 on climate change and sustainability
  • 2022-2023 on Truth and Reconciliation with Indigenous peoples
  • 2021-2022 on changes to registrant obligations under the Professional Governance Act(PGA)

Ethical learning 

Choose an ethical learning topic from any source such as your employer, a professional association, other regulatory bodies, our Knowledge Centre, our Complaints and Discipline web pages, etc. and spend at least one hour learning then record the activity in your CE Reporting System. Examples of ethical learning topics include, but are not limited to: 

  • Reviewing published disciplinary actions
  • Reviewing engineering and geoscience failures
  • Seminars on ethical practice
  • Seminars on Indigenous engagement and reconciliation
  • Reviewing the Engineers and Geoscientists BC Guide to the Code of Ethics
  • Reviewing the “Ethical Practice” module from the Engineers and Geoscientists BC online seminar “Professional Engineering and Geoscience Practice in BC”, 
  • Reviewing Engineers and Geoscientists BC articles on ethics and conduct. 

For support with recording your ethical learning activity into the CE Reporting System, review our FAQs or watch How to Complete Your 2024 Continuing Education Requirements (video).

CE Plan 

Create a CE Plan and save the completed document to your personal files (i.e., your computer or cloud storage) for at least 10 years. Your CE Plan must note your area of practice, assess the risks of your practice, identify learning goals and activities to help meet those goals. Templates and examples are available from our Resources page. 

Your completed CE Plans are only submitted during an Individual Compliance Audit and are not uploaded to the CE Reporting System. Your CE Plan requirement will be marked “Complete” upon successfully submitting your Annual Reporting; see the CE Declaration section below.

2) Three-Year Rolling Period

By the end of each three-year rolling period, registrants must record at least 60 CE Hours of activities (20 hours per year on average) in their CE Reporting System.

At the end of each three-year rolling period, professional registrants must satisfy the following requirement(s):

60 CE Hours

  • Complete at least 60 CE Hours of learning activities over each three-year rolling period and record each activity into your CE Reporting System. You choose the amount and mix of activities across the four areas of learnings (regulatory, ethical, technical, or communications and leadership learning) based on your individual area(s) of practice, roles, and responsibilities. You also choose how to divide the 60 CE Hours between the three reporting years. 
  • Options for accumulating CE Hours are listed on our Resources webpage, what counts as a CE Hour is explained in our FAQs, and instructions for recording CE activities are provided in our FAQs and in this video: How to Complete Your 2024 Continuing Education Requirements.

Designated Structural Engineers (Struct.Eng.) 

  • Registrants with the optional Struct.Eng. designation must record an additional 60 CE Hours of technical learning directly related to their structural engineering practice in their CE Reporting System. When adding technical CE activities in your CE Reporting System, check the box: “Apply this activity to my additional 60 CE Hours of technical learning required as a Struct.Eng.”

Three-year rolling periods are made up of three consecutive reporting years e.g., July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2024. The first day of each reporting year is also the start of a new three-year rolling period. More information about three-year rolling periods, including the requirements for newly licensed and reinstating registrants, is included in the Guide to the CE Program.

3) CE Declaration

Once you have completed all your Continuing Education Program requirements, proceed to your Annual Reporting System to complete your CE Declaration. The declaration takes less than 10 minutes to complete and must be submitted between May 1 and June 30 (i.e., the final two months of the reporting year) to avoid late fees, suspension, and cancellation.

During Annual Reporting, your CE requirements are checked for completeness and you will make declarations that a CE Plan was created during the reporting year and the information provided is true to the best of your knowledge. By clicking “submit,” you will close your reporting year and the CE Plan and CE declaration requirements will be marked as complete.

See our FAQs or watch How to Complete Your 2024 Continuing Education Requirements (video) for additional support with completing the CE Declaration requirement. 

Failure to complete the CE requirements and/or submit Annual Reporting may result in late fees, suspension, and cancellation.


Supporting documentation for CE activities must be kept but does not need to be submitted except if requested during an Individual Compliance Audit or Practice Review. You must keep documentation, including completed CE Plans, for a minimum of 10 years after the end of the Reporting Year in which the activity took place. This documentation must meet a level of detail that demonstrates that you completed the activity they have claimed. See section 3.4.3 of the Guide to the CE Program for examples of documentation to keep. 

It is recommended to store your CE documentation on a personal device or cloud storage account. If your CE documents are stored with your employer, you will need to retain a copy of your documents before exiting.

More Information

For more information on the Continuing Education Program, visit the following pages:

Still have questions about the CE Program? View Continuing Education Program FAQs.

For further inquiries, contact [email protected]or leave a voicemail at 236.521.9154.