Engineers and Geoscientists BC

Our website will be undergoing maintenance from 9 AM - 5 PM Pacific time on Saturday, May 11, 2024. During the maintenance window, the website and registrant accounts will not be accessible.


Some applicants for registration may be required to attend an interview with Engineers and Geoscientists BC as part of their assessment process. The interview is a professional peer review of the qualifications and work experience claimed by applicants for registration. Interviews are scheduled through invitation only, and applicants are sent an interview request only after an application for registration and all supporting documentation has been received and evaluated.

Who Conducts the Interview?

The interview panel consists of professional registrants from various industries who have volunteered their services to the organization. Interviewees are interviewed by two professional registrants within the discipline and specialty for which they are applying. A staff representative from Engineers and Geoscientists BC may occasionally attend the interview as well. The organization records all interviews to have an accurate record of the session.

Who Makes the Final Decision?

Following the interview, the interview panel makes recommendations to the Credentials Committee, and this committee adjudicates a decision regarding registration.

All interviews will be held via remote video conference.

If you have further questions related to interviews, you may find the answer in our Frequently Asked Questions.