Engineers and Geoscientists BC

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Engineering Syllabus

What Is a Syllabus For?

An Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia syllabus lists the topics that are required knowledge in a particular discipline. Each syllabus also contains a self-assessment checklist and a list of recommended textbooks for each topic. If you are a new applicant and are not academically qualified in your discipline of registration or licensure, a syllabus helps you by:

  • Listing each topic in each discipline, to help you decide what discipline most closely matches your expertise,
  • Providing you with a self-assessment checklist to compare your academic qualifications to each topic requirement in a particular discipline, and
  • Giving instructions for completing syllabus and course descriptions.

If you are an examination candidate, the syllabus helps you by providing:

  • Recommended textbooks for each examination topic, and
  • A full description of the topics on your examination.

Engineering Syllabi

Topics Common to All Disciplines:

Topics Specific to Each Discipline: